
Vitriol Vegas

In Vegas, Mike, Michael Michael, and I took a shuttle to get between one place and another. (This is where I should name-drop two high profile casinos, but after entering more than three of them, you realize how they all look the same.)

Anyway, Mike and I took a seat, while Michael Michael opted to stand, holding on to a pole. Two women in their 30's entered and sat beside us. The louder one looks at Michael Michael and says, "Thank you for standing." Then, after glancing at Mike and I to indicate judgment, adds, "Thank you" to Michael Michael again.

It wasn't Christmas, but she sure cooked my goose. Firstly, there were enough seats for everyone, meaning that everyone could sit if they so chose; Mike and I were not depriving anyone of anything. Was she looking for us to stand up so that she could lay down? Secondly, I think the notion of chivalry is ridiculous and contributes to detrimental gender norms. If she were elderly, pregnant, or handicapped, I would have gladly offered my seat, again, had that even been necessary. In fact, I fancy myself a nice enough person that had there a lack of seats, I would have offered it to another person regardless of who they were. Instead, because she's cranky, self-important, condescending, and looking to take a seat simply because her excessive weave was weighing her down, I'm not likely to be sympathetic. Thirdly, if it were to come down to any one person having to stand, I'd nominate her seeing as it would free up the most space given the size of her ass.

When the shuttle came to a halt, after what was no more than a minute-long ride, the woman passive aggressively said "thank you" to Michael Michael yet again, finally turning to Mike and I to say, "You could learn a lesson from your friend." That's when I nearly lost it, but being as drunk as I was, I didn't want to regret making a scene. Did she really expect us to feel bad for not standing when there were vacant seats? Why doesn't she go take a seat on a rusty nail?

Now, as I reflect back on the incident, I wish I had sassed her thoroughly. My real drunken mistake was in not making a scene and telling her what a deluded twit she is. There was no reason for her to even be on that shuttle, considering she was already riding her high horse.

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