
Lactose Intolerant

I'm done being nice. When I tried to feed Sabrina Ereshefsky cheese today, she played the "I'm lactose intolerant" card. You know what? If she's going to be openly intolerant, I see no reason for me to be tolerant of that decision. It's bigoted and I won't stand for it. I don't accept institutionalized racism or homophobia; why should I accept prejudice against dairy? I don't care how much ice cream makes her sick, there's no way she gets as sick as I am toward her blatant hatred. Dairy cows are some of the gentlest creatures, meaning there's no reason for anyone to be intolerant, especially not for someone whose name forms the anagram "Key heifer sans bras" (an important, topless, virgin cow).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm still intolerant!