
Forever Independent

Tonight I asked many of my friends on a date to see a double feature of independent films. Because we were being cultured, my dates and I dressed up fancy and walked to the theatre. It was just like Elimidate, but without the gratuitous making out. You see, our making out is never gratuitous.

Sometimes there's a reason why independent media is rejected by the mainstream.

I had heard that the first film, Mysterious Skin, had a heavy subject matter, but I was not prepared for the graphic depiction of molestation, gay prostitution, and rape. Worse yet, I had not prepared my dates. As uncomfortable as I felt during some scenes, I was feeling even worse knowing my invitation was causing others to flinch. Generally, it's best to save this type of material for a third date. At least Kat loved it. She's a sick freak, though.

Next was Funny Ha Ha, a concept film. Rather than having a plot, it's just a sequence of random, awkward events in the protagonist's life. While some of the scenes caused discomfort, others were so horrible to watch that it was painful. At one point, I was twitching so much in my chair that I said aloud, "This is worse than molestation!"

Worse yet, because the date went so poorly, I felt obligated to put out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just because I was so distrubed that I went to bed immediately after this date- without even saying goodnight to anyone, no less- doesn't mean we can't all give it a go again sometime. Next time let's just look for some previews first.