
Blogging Blogs

When I first started blogging, I didn't know anyone else in the real world who did, except for Kim, whose blog, Always Tardy, was an inspiration. Once she went MIA, I felt like a total dork. Recently, though, a lot of friends of mine have taken up blogging, which is awesome, because it makes stalking that much easier. Here's a brief run through of said blogs:

Later this month, RJ heads to NYC to be a teacher (borrrrrrrring - who does that?) At least ey'll be blogging about... well, it's really too soon to tell entirely, but the first two posts are about Pavarotti and burritos, so that's promising, right? The blog is called Modernity Is a Complicated Bitch, inspired from a quote by a quirky Pitzer professor who warrants eir own post one day.

Linda also just moved to NYC to teach (how original) and shares eir crazy city antics at Adventures in NY. As an added bonus, Linda is a preschool teacher, so prepare yourself for tales of soiled pants.

Heather recently moved to NYC as well, and I forgive eir for leaving me just enough to share eir blog, Change in Corporate America: Thoughts and reflections on working for the man. There you can see how Heather has coped in switching from attending a hippie college to gaining employment at a major corporation. For proof of Heather's radical transformation, look no further than the Dilbert comic strip Heather posted.

And in "everyone moves to NYC but me" news, Jamilah also made the jump. Jamilah operates grits & eggs, where Jay and pals consisting of (mostly?) women of color sound off on socially progressive issues. Basically, it's just like The View. Of course, I'm kidding, since it's actually intelligent and relevant; even when I don't entirely agree with the content, it's always thought provoking.

A trend I am more fond of is people who are moving back to California, like Jocelyn. At Moop, Biduo, Jocelyn states, "i blog only because kevin blogs." Hmm, that's a lot of pressure.

Also back from abroad is Bianca. Bianca is hilarious and told anecdotes at Bianca's Krazy Korean Kapers, and I imagine/hope ey'll continue now that ey's back in the states. I can think of at least one good recent Bianca story worth telling...

Currently in Korea, Caitlin of Caitlin's Blog is experiencing the culture and encountering a "teenage boy... wearing the Curves for Women shirt." I wish she was not in Korea, but in California, because she's hilarious. Like when we hung out at the reunion, and she intentionally ruined as many photographs as she could by inserting the middle finger. I didn't even notice at the time, but in retrospect, it's quite funny:

According to eir blog, however, Caitlin doesn't want to go back to California, ey wants to go back to Ecuador.

Speaking of Ecuador, Kat is there now. Two months ago Kat introduced me to eir friend Sasha (who might resent the term "friend" being applied to their volatile relationship), who in turn introduced to Ubu the Shit. Since posting about this abysmal play, I've received no fewer than ten hits off of Google searches for the show's title; since no one except the people involved cares about this play after its run has ended, I'm afraid the director might now know the full extent of how I feel about it, so maybe posting that was a bad idea. At least it's not as bad of an idea as Sasha has at This Was the Worst Fucking Idea. Sasha's recent post about changing doctors had me laughing out loud.

David is also in South America, doing all sorts of cool things, which you can find at Car vs Tree.

Apparently, going abroad is the equivalent to going to NYC, since everyone's doing it, including Dan. Dan's in China, or as ey says, Into the West.

Lexi will be in Georgia, the country, not the state, meaning ey will also be abroad at sharing Tales of Tbilisi. There's actually no content as far as I can tell as of yet, which I suppose makes sense considering the first word I think of when I think of Lexi is "unambitious." In all seriousness, I'm sure as soon as Lexi is in Georgia, you can expect manifestos.

And when you're tired of reading all of these, Preston gets straight to what you want with music and pictures at ForSure.

1 comment:

Punani said...

You're wonderful. And no, not soiled pants but barf on the floor. The barf was from a girl who cried for 45 minutes...