
Home Schooled

Since graduating from college, I think of my friend Joan frequently. Fortunately, every other month or so, Joan and I participate in a conversation ritual made possible by cellular telephone.

The thing you need to know about Joan is that she is hilarious. What's more is that even when she's not trying to be hilarious, she can be unintentionally hilarious, hence making her one of the funniest people I know. So much so that a conversation that we shared two summer's ago about her job working at a homeless shelter still comes to mind.

Kevin: Are the people there nice?
Joan: No, not really, they're usually grouchy.
K: Oh, that's gotta suck.
J: It's okay, they're just grumpy because they don't have homes. I'd be grumpy, too, if I didn't have a home.
K: Well, sure, but does it make you grumpy having to be around them?
J: No! Because I have a home!
K: Haha, of course.
J: Whenever they make me feel bad, I just say, "At least I get to go home in two hours!"

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