
A Judgmental Glare

While eating at a pizza restaurant with some friends, I got on the topic of a great but not-entirely legal band, Smoosh, who I've blogged about before. "They're cute," I commented. "In all the wrong ways."

They're cool, talented, attractive, and successful... in other words, too good for me, so don't think I'm getting any wrong ideas.

Stacy asked whether they were still around, and I told her that they are still putting out new music, touring, etc. I noted that they even added a new member, their little sister. "You know, to appease their pedophile fans."

As soon as that joke left my mouth I could feel a judging glare coming from behind me. You know how you can sometimes sense an angry head turn in your immediate vicinity without actually witnessing it? The expressions from my friends on the other side of the booth confirmed that I had overstepped some bounds. I remembered that a family with small kids was sitting immediately behind me, a thought that had slipped my mind when making the comment.

I slowly turned around to face the consequences. I expected to see an upset parent staring me down, but instead it was a tiny three-year-old child giving me a dirty look. According to my friends, it was that kid that whipped his head around and shot daggers as soon as I uttered the word "pedophile."

To my credit (?), Lexi said that she has never before seen me look so embarrassed. See, I'm not entirely shameless. But I am concerned. It was probably a coincidence, but how does a 3-year-old know that the word "pedophile" is so inappropriate?

This concerns me. Maybe I should have called Child Protective Services. Then again, maybe they should have called Child Protective Services on me.

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