It's the fourth of July and nothing gets me more excited than fireworks! Actually, that's a blatant lie, I've never found them that interesting. You've seen one firework, you've seen the next hundred that follow in succession. Generally, I try to occupy myself during these festivities by commentating through them as if I were a radio announcer. After all, fireworks are definitely an art that should be experienced over the radio. Years ago, Susan and I began by just loudly stating the colors for those around us. "Red. Green and white. Blue. Green. Green." Shortly, our skills advanced to clever segues, "White. Red... speaking of red, have you read any good books lately?" Other people just feet away on a nearby blanket generally dislike this activity because they don't need anyone telling them what fireworks they're seeing. Sometimes, however, I can make them crack up with such gems as, "Wow, that one was prettier than my sister!" Immediately, I could hear a lot of chuckles, plus a firm smack across my head from that pretty sister of mine herself.
Tonight I was far too exhausted to even commentate on the fireworks, which is a true sign that I am overworked. Instead, I just lay on my neighbors lawn, silently "watching" the fireworks with my eyes closed. In spite of the noise, it was the most peaceful moment I've had in a long time. Well, that is until the sprinklers turned on mid-show and soaked us. Yup, time for bed.
damn right i'd smack you if i heard you say that!!1
It's not a hypothetical - I did do that, you did hear me say it, and you did smack me. Maybe Susan or Laura can vouch for this happening? I think the Winters were there, too!
haha, yes I remember that and Alison definitely did hear you and did smack you. I'll call Nicholas and see if he remembers.
haha for real??? when was that and where? i dont' remember that
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