During my graduate program for education, my peers and I would discuss our own educational backgrounds as a point of reference. My classmate with the most colorful background, Herman*, would often discuss eir background as a drug addict who dealt and used in eir school with no consequences. According to Herman, the worst teacher ey ever had was an English teacher who never cracked a book, instead putting on
The Bodyguard every single class and proceeding to take a nap on eir desk, while the students openly snorted coke and took meth
in the classroom. Initially Herman took part in these activities, but when ey finally decided ey needed to clean eir act up, Herman actually had to drop out of school in order to avoid contact with illegal substances.
Now more than a decade later, Herman is now a teacher emself in a school equally as notorious for drug use and teachers who don't give a crap. Herman does give a crap, and tries a heck of a lot harder than showing
The Bodyguard in order to educate the students. Oh, and Herman's sober now, too, though ey still does feel high each time ey hears Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You."
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