
The Game of Life

I have a friend who babysits a terror of a child. On one particular evening, the two were actually sharing a great time when they began to play Life. Alas, my friend had the misfortune of winning and things took a turn for the worse. The game consists almost entirely of luck, but the young girl refused to be gracous in her defeat. According to my friend, the deciding factor was that she went to college while the child in her care decided to forego it. If you ask me, that's a valuable lesson for the kid about the benefits of a higher education, particularly the child of a professor, although I doubt she saw it that way. Unable to settle the kid down, my friend said, "It's only game." Dramatically, the girl, sobbing, retorted, "But what if this were real life?!"

And isn't it, though? Life is already one big game, why discredit a board game by the same name just because it features compulsory marriage and a giant spinning wheel?

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