
He Died Doing What He Loved, Part 2

As I've shared before, my friend Andrew has long said that, no matter how he dies, he wants his tombstone to assert that he "died doing what he loved." Although I hope Andrew doesn't die anytime soon, it is fun to imagine the many ridiculous ways he could die, while still giving it a positive spin.

Andrew died doing what he loved: jaywalking on a busy street.
Andrew died doing what he loved: taking a nap in the bathtub.
Andrew died doing what he loved: hugging a grizzly bear.
Andrew died doing what he loved: dehydrating.

However, even my creative mind couldn't come up with anything as perfect as this CNN story, which is easily the best real life (and death!) example of someone dying doing what he loved:

I mean, it's sad obviously. But we can all take comfort in knowing that Philip died doing what he loved: not wearing a motorcycle helmet.

1 comment:

andrew said...

let's be freelance tombstone engravers, obvi