

Shortly before dinnertime, the electricity went out on campus. Hoping we'd find a warm meal elsewhere, about ten of us proceeded to Harvey Mudd's cafeteria, only to discover it, too, did not have power. Deciding to stay anyway, we soon found that the building was so dark that we could barely see the food on our own plates, let alone much of each other. Because of the intense darkness, Ted realized he could start climbing up the walls and playing on the furniture without anyone noticing and took full advantage of the situation. Meanwhile, someone pointed out that we could get naked and no one would be able to tell, which sounded so appealing that Preston and I stripped to our boxers and continued eating the indiscernible items on our plates.

After ten minutes of giggling and realizing that even those at the tables closest to us had no clue what was going on, I decided to up the stakes and throw my boxers at Ted. It took a moment for everyone to grasp that, yes, that meant I was now entirely naked. Ted, who has a right to seek revenge, appropriately places my boxers atop a pillar a few yards away, such that I would have to sprint naked to retrieve them in the line of vision of strangers under the emergency light. While working up the nerve to make the dash, someone commented, "Wouldn't it be funny if the lights came back on?" And wouldn't you know it, not ten seconds later the electricity did return, leaving me sitting bare ass for everyone in the cafeteria to see. Panicking, I froze for a couple seconds before realizing I needed to dive under the table before I made an even larger spectacle of myself. Struggling to shove my clothes back on, I hear the others above the table gasping when they realize that at the table closest to us is a family with a baby. Great. I mean, it's a baby, it's probably too young to know to be scarred for life. Unfortunately, I can't say the same about everybody else.

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