
Shear Joy

For as much as I'm on the computer, sometimes I get bored with the internet. After looking at the nineteenth picture of a cat and a cheeseburger, I can't help but say, "Sure, sure, cute internet - but what have you done for me lately?" And the internet is like, "WHAM! Look at this!" and I fall in love with it all over again.

Case in point: the other day when I wrote a summary of In God's Country, I intended to mention a scene where Kelly Rowan dramatically chops off her long sister-wife hair in what is a transparent symbol of gaining independence; subtly isn't Lifetime's strong point. In referencing this moment, I wanted to compare it to some other epic haircutting scene from pop culture, but I couldn't think of another point of reference, so I turned to Google for some assistance.

That's when I discovered Hair on Film AKA the Internet Hair Database. It "contains a list of haircuts and headshaves in movies and TV." An entire archive, and it's updated frequently! I never knew I gave a damn about cinematic haircuts, but I found myself so fascinated by the notion that a community of people were so devoted to such a strange thing that I kept clicking around, trying to take in every last freed follicle.

Though there's nothing that specifically says it's a fetish thing, I get the impression that it might be, at least for some people, based on the use of excited language when describing scenes featuring "forced" haircuts. Regardless, I'm so caught up in its ridiculousness, I just want to kiss the internet on the lips - or maybe in this case trim its bangs.

If I were going to point you in the direction of one clipping clip, I'd suggest the Jenna Jameson one. I promise that it's not pornographic, just thoroughly campy, and made me want to watch the rest of the film, even though I'm sure it wouldn't make any more sense even in context.

Oh internet, you never fail to surprise and amuse me.

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