
Heavens to Betsy!

While reading a somewhat shocking newspaper article, I said to myself, "Heavens to Betsy!"

Immediately, I cracked up. "Heavens to Betsy!"? I'm not sure where in my brain that antiquated expression has been hiding, but it's fairly amusing that it finally decided to surface. Though I'm familiar with "Heavens to Betsy," I don't think I've heard it used in years. In fact, I had to turn to the internet to confirm that I had even used it properly. From my research, I learned that it is used to indicate surprise in a curse-free manner, an old-fashioned "Oh golly!" What I couldn't ascertain, however, was where the exclamation came from. While "Heavens to Betsy" seems like it would have a great story behind its origin, language experts who have attempted to trace its conception have failed to find anything conclusive.

Thereafter, I went about my day, but couldn't stop telling myself, "Heavens to Betsy!" in various funny voices. I made myself laugh each time. Wanting to spread the joy and hear this absurd saying on a more regular basis, I requested that many people I know use the term in conversation. At least ten people took my challenge and spread the word. Heavens to Betsy, that's a lot of people.

Here are a few suggestions of ways you might say "Heavens to Betsy":
Heavens to Betsy, gas prices are high!
Heavens to Betsy, Michael Jackson died!
Heavens to Betsy, Jennifer Aniston was dumped again!
Heavens to Betsy, my old math teacher is on Wheel of Fortune!
Heavens to Betsy, there's a dead baby in this dumpster!

Incorporate this exclamation back into your vernacular, too, please.

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