
Foaming at the Mouth?

The funniest thing I saw at the zoo was not an odd-looking animal, but this sign:
Foaming at the Mouth?
You may see the male camel foaming at the mouth, with his tongue hanging out, and gurgling. Don't worry, this is normal. It just means that he is eager to mate with the female. And actually, it isn't his tongue hanging out, it's a special sac from the top of his mouth. It may not look appealing to you, but it looks great to a female camel.

I can only imagine how often the zoo staff must have heard from visitors that the camel looked like it had rabies that it finally put up a sign that acknowledges the camel is just plain horny. Don't worry, camel, we've all been there. Who hasn't gotten horny and had their special sac slip out while their mouth is foaming? Female camels know attractive when they see it.

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