
You Can't Beat a Woman

Anna and I made some donations to the local goodwill store this afternoon, then stopped to browse the clothing. I didn't buy anything, but if I had, it might have been one of these t-shirts.

It's funny in a "it's so unfunny that it's funny" way. I decided that wearing it would be dishonest, as I always double layer my t-shirts in order to avoid being obscene.

I went on the Maury Povich show and all I got was this lousy t-shirt. And a life unburdened by child support payments.

In the third grade, I probably would have found this shirt cool and bought it. I was pretty sassy.


You try arguing with this sentiment.

You ask, is that referring to what I think it is? Given that the fine print is the name of a domestic abuse organization, I'd say yes. The beauty of this shirt, however, is that someone cut off the sleeves and the neck to reconstruct the shirt into -- you guessed it -- a wifebeater.

1 comment:

lewis said...

why the hell didn't you buy any of those?? especially the "you can't beat a woman" shirt and the "i'm not the father" one. those are fucking brilliant.