
My Minute Newt

What if I owned a small newt? Why, I'd call it "my minute newt." My minute newt. My minute newt. It's a fun phrase to say, especially in a singsong manner. My-my-newt-newt. Say it fast and focus, and you can feel your lips tingle from the vibrations.

I rush to a room full of people to share my new favorite phrase. Most people grasp the concept of "my minute newt" after hearing it a couple of times. Raumene just shakes his head. "I don't get it. I don't get it." We try saying it slow and with different intonations, but he's still perplexed. Excitedly, the others are still saying it back to themselves, which frustrates Raumene more. He tries to push through it himself. "My my newt newt." "My-my-nute-nute?" Finally, he beams, like a baby that's just passed gas. "Wait, I got it!" Everyone smiles now that it's finally dawned on him. "Ready?" he asks, eager to prove that he's figured it out. "My my dog dog!"

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