
Cookie Wisdom

Today's fortune cookie:
"Enjoy what you have, hope for what you lack."

Sure enough, your standard sage advice. I flip it over to check out my lucky numbers, but am instead greeted with something that reads "LEARN CHINESE" and a phrase that I can add to my ever-growing Chinese vocabulary. It'd be nice to learn something standard, like "Hello" or "Nice to see you" or "Where is the restroom?" But no, my wise cookie offers me this:
"I'm still single."


Combined with the fortune on the reverse side, I'm convinced my cookie is more than hinting at something. Maybe a mail-order bride is in my future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is hilarious.

and if my fortune cookie taught me how to say "I'm still single," I'd burst into tears. but I'd have a good laugh about it later I'm sure.