
I Already Have To Go Again

After the recent post about my sibling, Alison, she asked that I write more about her. Well, consider me Casey Kasem -- I'm open to requests. Just be cautious about what you ask for...

My mom and sibling keep in constant contact via phone calls, emailing, and text messaging, putting my own contact with my family to shame. Often I wonder what they possibly have to say to each other so frequently. Now, I kind of wish I were still in the dark.

I was visiting with my mom yesterday. Even though I was in the same room with her, my sibling was still probably communicating more with her considering all of the texts they exchanged. At one point we were out at a botanical garden. We had just entered the butterfly exhibit which was a tent full of butterflies that flutter around the visitors, but my mom was engrossed with her phone. I found it strange that my mom would pay more attention to her phone than the pretty flowers and creatures, so I have her a look. In response, she showed me the text that Alison had just sent her. It said something along the lines of, "I already pooped once at work today and I already have to go again!" There was a sign forbidding touching other butterflies; I wonder how they'd feel about me accidentally vomiting on them. I couldn't believe that this message was an example of what they text to each other.

Note to self: Continue limiting contact with sibling.


Laura said...

Ah, yes. There's nothing like bathroom conversation. The Garzas are very open about "movements".

Anonymous said...

KEVIN!!! that's not what i meant when i said post more stuff about it.

and - don't pretend you wanted to vomit. you talk about poop all the time. hence, you're nickname KOOP (kevin and poop combined for those of you who don't get it)

Anonymous said...

Actually, Aoop (Alison + Poop!), I'm not sure Kevin really ever went by Koop.

Signed, Soop.