
Amazing Body

I saw a link leading to the Huffington Post today that said "LOOK: Katherine McPhee's Bikini Body Is Amazing."

I didn't want to give them the traffic, but I had to click because I needed to know - especially on a day like today - that humanity was working properly and that the commenters told off the writer of this piece for turning objectification into "news".

That was 85% of the reason I clicked, anyway. The other 15% was my curiosity to see her bikini body. Don't worry, I already hate myself enough for the rest of you.

Unfortunately, the first comments did not provide me with the reassurance I was hoping for. It was actually worse than I expected:

Yeah, I can't believe how people just toss around the term "amazing body" these days! Let's hold our standards of beauty to such an extreme level that even thin, conventionally attractive women can't meet our expectations.

Makes you wonder how Katherine McPhee came to suffer from bulimia in the first place, huh?

I clicked on LittleMissBlue's profile and it showed me dozens of other comments she's made, all of which are her critiquing the appearance of famous women. Haircuts, weight, skin, boobs, clothing… not all of her opinions are negative necessarily, but she can't help but giving one.

My "favorite" parts are her defensive responses when someone calls her out for her fixation on women's appearances:
1. "I'm speaking strictly about looks. I don't know much about either of their lives and don't really care about either." (Apparently this makes it better?)
2. "Thanks for passing judgment on someone you don't know." (Referring to the fact that she herself had been criticized, not the celebrity whose body she just insulted, obviously.)

Some people will argue that objectification is natural and a biological result of human hormones. While that's true to an extent, this young woman's obsession has nothing to do with her sex drive and everything to do with the fact that society has told her it's okay to constantly be catty about how other women look. Yes, men can be and are objectified, as well, but it will never reach the level it does for women. I don't know any men sitting on the internet constantly expressing opinions about how other men look. I guarantee that this girl doesn't even consciously realize she spends a large portion of her life judging the female body. It's a learned behavior that has become second nature - and we're going to need to do a whole lot of unlearning before we accept women for more than their appearance.

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