
Meat Your Local Grocer

When Katy was in kindergarten, eir class would take regular field trips to important locations around the community like town hall, the fire station, and the bank. On one such trip, Katy and class visited the local grocery store. As they walked around the aisles, Katy, a rather pokey individual, trailed in the back. A high school-aged employee who worked behind the butcher counter approached the doting Katy and offered to show eir a special room that the rest of the tour group would not be able to see. Excited, Katy accompanied em back to the meat room where giant slabs of meat hung from the ceiling, dripping blood onto the ground. Suddenly overwhelmed, little Katy fainted and landed with a splash into a puddle of animal blood where ey marinated until revived. Katy was shaken and eir dress was ruined.

It probably goes without saying that this incident made an instant, lifelong vegetarian out of Katy; who could blame eir?

1 comment:

lewis said...

what a creepy employee...