

And now, another conversation between my roommate and me, paraphrased for you.

K: But they don't call them tag sales in California. It's all garage sales. And some yard sales and estate sales.
M: Estate sales are the best.
K: I went to a couple, and they were crappy. It's sad, because it's like, that's the best you owned?
M: Do you think people who do estate sales get made at people in real estate? As if only type of business deals with real estate? That's elitist.
K: Ha ha, that's not that funny.
M: Oh come on. Real estate?
K: Yeah, I get it, it's just not that good.
M: But why is it called real estate?
K: I bet if we looked in an entomology dictionary, we'd find out that real has another meaning.
M: You don't even need an etymology dictionary, you could find that in a regular one.
K: Yeah, but you'd need an entomology dictionary to get to the root of the problem.
M: Meh.
K: Oh come on, that's way better than your real estate joke. The root of the problem!
M: Yeah, but it's too obvious. If etymology dictionaries were to have a catch phrase, it'd be that, you know.
K: But they don't! And that's why it's funny.
M: Oh, I guess I see how that's clever. Yeah, it might be funny.
K: Oh whatever. I really only went that route because you love entomology so much lately.
M: Just so you know, it's etymology, not entomology.
K: Hmm, I didn't realize that. Getting the prefix to etymology wrong is kind of funny in itself, especially for an English major.
M: Entomology is the study of bugs or something.
K: Oh, it really means something? I thought I was maybe just confusing it with Entenmann's cakes.

As much as we fail to amuse each other sometimes, our conversations have definitely got to entertain someone.


Anonymous said...

yeah nope didn't amuse me. i don't know how to pronounce that word so it wasn't funny. try again.

Anonymous said...

um excuse me amelia, i will find it not funny if i want to. thanks