
W.T. Fuck?

Several Margarita Mondays ago, Jocelyn taught me a new curse phrase that I'm simply smitten with: "W.T. Fuck?"

"What the fuck?" is our generation's way of expressing surprise. "WTF" is our abbreviation-happy generation's way of shortening our way of expressing surprise. Those are good and fun, but Jocelyn's suggestion, "W.T. Fuck?" is a superb marriage of these concepts. It hilariously lures the listener into a false sense of security. After hearing the first two letters, they expect to hear a third, not to actually be blasted with the F-bomb. I use "W.T. Fuck?" a lot now, and it usually elicits much more of a visceral response than if I were to come at the phrase in a traditional manner. Let's face it, at this point, the word "fuck" has been so overused that it doesn't have the impact it was designed to. I try to limit my swearing not because I don't like curse words, but out of respect. They can only remain powerful when used sparingly. I'm still willing to say "fuck" in the context of WT Fuck, however, since that means using it in the form of a verbal sneak attack, hence honoring its to unnerving quality.

Once when I said "W.T. Fuck," someone asked, "But why would you censor the words that are clean?" Uh, because that's what makes it funny? It's also sort of the gimmick of this video that Ben introduced me to last night:

W.T. Fuck was that?! It's not often that censoring something that doesn't need to be censored works out to be so amusing, but that's a real hoot.

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