I say that not only as someone who was bullied, but as someone who occasionally bullied others, as well. Kids are cruel. In many cases, they don't know better and grow up to not be bullies. But the point is that they have the chance to grow up, and kids who kill themselves in the face of bullying never get that opportunity.
Today, thousands of people wore purple to support the recent suicides of gay teens. As a symbolic act, I don't believe it will stop many kids from bullying, but I am happy to show solidarity and support with those who might feel alienated.
Since I only own one purple shirt, it was an easy choice on what to wear. Except partway through the day, I reflected on how it might be a poor choice. It says, "The Bible Tells Me So." That's the same line some bigots use to harass gay people! Talk about sending a mixed message.
Fortunately, I work from home, and literally two people have seen me wear it, neither of whom were gay teens.
I like the kid second from left who is not so hyped about the bible telling him so.
Maybe he's the gay one.
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